English to Arabic Sentences

Sentences for compliments for Arabic and English Speaking

Sentences for complimentary in Arabic and English. Arabic and English vocabulary for complimentary sentences  the beginners to learn Arabic. Arabic and English.  Learn Arabic through vocabulary. Arabic vocabulary topics for learners.

Sentences for compliments in Arabic and English. Arabic and English vocabulary for complimentary sentences  the beginners to learn Arabic.  Learn Arabic through vocabulary. Arabic vocabulary topics for learners.     




Congratulation to you

ھَنِیئاً لَکَ

Haneean laka

Good news for you

َشَارَۃٌ لَکَ

Basharatun laka

Congratulation of your new house

تَھَانِیناً عَلی مَکَانِکَ الجَدِیدِ

Tahaneenan ala makanik al jaded.

Are you happy in your new house?

ھَل اَنتَ مسرُورٌ فی مَکَانِکَ الجَدِید؟

Hal anta masroor un fe makanik al jaded?

Yes I am very happy.

نَعَم أَنَا مَسرُورٌ جِدّاً

Na’am ana masroorun jiddan

How is your work going on?

کَیفَ تُسیرُ اَعمَالُکَ؟

Kaifa tuseeru a’maaluka?

Thank you very much for your gift.

شُکراّ جَذِیلاّ لِھَدِیَّتِکَ

Shukran jazeelan lihadiyyatika

I am pleased that you like it.

أَنَا سَعِیدٌلأَنَّک اَجَبتَھَا

Ana saeedun la’annaka ajabtaha.

Would you sit?

ھَل تَتَفَضَّلُ بِالجُلُوس؟

Hal tatafazalu bil juloos?

Pay my compliments to your relatives.

اَبلِغ تَحِیَّاتِی لَلعَائِلَۃِ

Abligh tahiyyatee lil aailati.

Yes, with please.

طَبعاً بِکُلِّ السُّرُور

Taba’n bikull is soroor.


أھلاً وَسَھلاً مَرحَبا

Ahlan wasahlan marhaba

I am sorry for my behavior.

اَعتَذِرُ عَلی تَصَرُّفِی غَیرَاللّائِق

A’taziru ala tasarrufe gharial laaiq.

No problem

لا بَأسَ

La ba’sa.


Sentences for compliments in Arabic and English. Arabic and English vocabulary for complimentary sentences  the beginners to learn Arabic. 

Sentences for compliments in Arabic and English. Arabic and English vocabulary for complimentary sentences  the beginners to learn Arabic.  Sentences for compliments in Arabic and English. Arabic and English vocabulary for complimentary sentences  the beginners to learn Arabic. 
Sentences for compliments in Arabic and English. Arabic and English vocabulary for complimentary sentences  the beginners to learn Arabic.  Sentences for compliments in Arabic and English. Arabic and English vocabulary for complimentary sentences  the beginners to learn Arabic.  Sentences for compliments in Arabic and English. Arabic and English vocabulary for complimentary sentences  the beginners to learn Arabic. 

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Complimentary Sentences

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