Arabic to Urdu Sentences

Spoken Arabic in Urdu with Translation in English

Spoken Arabic in Urdu with Translation in English. Arabic sentences for spoken English and Urdu. Arabic Sentences with translation in English and Urdu. Sentences helpful in learning Arabic, English and Urdu for the beginners. Learn Arabic through English and Urdu with effective translation skills. Learn how to translate Arabic Sentences into Urdu and English. Arabic Sentences with PDF.

Spoken Arabic in Urdu with Translation in English. Arabic sentences for spoken English and Urdu. Arabic Sentences with translation in English and Urdu. Sentences helpful in learning Arabic, English and Urdu for the beginners. Learn Arabic through English and Urdu with effective translation skills. Learn how to translate Arabic Sentences into Urdu and English. Arabic Sentences with PDF.

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Arabic Sentences in Urdu/English

Mind your language.

منہ سنبھال کر بات کرو

اَلْجِمْ لِسَانَکَ

I am worried.

میں پریشان ہوں

اَنَا حَزِیْنٌ

Please help me.

میری مدد کریں پلیز

اُنصُرْنِیْ مِنْ فَضْلِکَ

Oh my God.

اوہ میرے خدایا

یَا اِلٰھِیْ

I am safe.

میں محفوط ہوں

اَنا اَمِیْنٌ

It is enough.

یہ کافی ہے

ھٰذَا یَکْفِیْ

It is important.

یہ اہم ہے

ھٰذَا مُھِمٌّ

That was your time.

وہ تمہارا وقت تھا

ذَالِکَ کَانَ زَمَنُکَ

It is high time.

یہ مناسب وقت ہے

ھٰذا وَقْتٌ مُنَاسِبٌ

Catch me if you can.

اگر تم مجھے پکڑ سکتے ہو تو پکڑ لو

لَو اِسْتَطَعْتَ اَن تَقبِضنی قَابِضْ

You are lazy.

تم سست ہو

أَنْتَ کَسْلَانُ

Show me your passport.

مجھے اپنا پاسپورٹ دکھاؤ

اَرِنِیْ جَوَازَکَ

Any question?

کوئ سوال؟

ھَل ھُنَا مِن سُؤَال؟

She is ready to teach.

وہ پڑھانے کوتیّار ہے

ھِیَ یَسْتَعِدُّاَنْ یُّدَرِّسَ

We all are ready.

ہم سب تیار ہیں

نَحْنُ مُسْتَعِدُّونَ

Where is your passport?

تمہارا پاسپورٹ کہاں ہے؟

اَیْنَ جَوَازُکَ؟

Yes I am ready.

جی ہاں میں تیار ہوں

نَعَمْ اَنَا اَستَعِدُّ

Are you ready?

تم تیار ہو؟

أَتَسْتَعِدُّ أَنتَ؟

I have my passport.

میرے پاس میرا پاسپورٹ ہے

نَعَم عِندِیْ جَوَازٌ

Anything else?

مزید کچھ؟

ھَلْ مِنْ مَزِیْد؟

What I can do for you?

میں تمہارے لئے کیا کرسکتا ہوں؟

مَاذَااَصْنَعُ لَکَ؟

I hope.

مجھے امید ہے

اَرْجُوْ مِنْکَ

I hope so.

مجھے ایسی ہی امید ہے

کَانَ رَجَائِیْ ھٰکَذَا

I will remember you.

میں آپکو یاد رکھوں گا

اَنَا اَسْتَذْکِرُکَ

Spoken Arabic in Urdu with Translation in English. Arabic sentences for spoken English and Urdu. Arabic Sentences with translation in English and Urdu. Sentences helpful in learning Arabic, English and Urdu for the beginners. Learn Arabic through English and Urdu with effective translation skills. Learn how to translate Arabic Sentences into Urdu and English. Arabic Sentences with PDF.

Spoken Arabic in Urdu with Translation in English. Arabic sentences for spoken English and Urdu. Arabic Sentences with translation in English and Urdu. Sentences helpful in learning Arabic, English and Urdu for the beginners. Learn Arabic through English and Urdu with effective translation skills. Learn how to translate Arabic Sentences into Urdu and English. Arabic Sentences with PDF.

Spoken Arabic in Urdu with Translation in English. Arabic sentences for spoken English and Urdu. Arabic Sentences with translation in English and Urdu. Sentences helpful in learning Arabic, English and Urdu for the beginners. Learn Arabic through English and Urdu with effective translation skills. Learn how to translate Arabic Sentences into Urdu and English. Arabic Sentences with PDF.

Spoken Arabic in Urdu with Translation in English. Arabic sentences for spoken English and Urdu. Arabic Sentences with translation in English and Urdu. Sentences helpful in learning Arabic, English and Urdu for the beginners. Learn Arabic through English and Urdu with effective translation skills. Learn how to translate Arabic Sentences into Urdu and English. Arabic Sentences with PDF.

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