Arabic to Urdu Sentences

Spoken Arabic in Urdu and English Translation with PDF

Arabic to English Phrases with Meanings in Urdu. Short Arabic Phrases with translation in Urdu. Learn Arabic through English and Urdu. Frequently used Arabic sentences in daily life. Sentences for spoken Arabic and English. Arabic Sentences for Spoken English and Urdu. Commonly spoken Arabic to English Sentences. Arabic to Urdu sentences used in daily life. Daily life short spoken Arabic phrases.

Spoken Arabic in Urdu and English Translation with PDF. Arabic to English Phrases with Meanings in Urdu. Short Arabic Phrases with translation in Urdu. Learn Arabic through English and Urdu. Frequently used Arabic sentences in daily life. Sentences for spoken Arabic and English. Arabic Sentences for Spoken English and Urdu. Commonly spoken Arabic to English Sentences. Arabic to Urdu sentences used in daily life. Daily life short spoken Arabic phrases.

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Spoken Arabic to English Phrases with Meanings in Urdu

Be careful.

احتیاط کریں


Behave yourself.

اپنا رویہ درست کریں

یَنْبَغِی لَکَ اَن تُصْلِحَ مَوقِفَکَ

Be seated please.

تشریف رکھیں

تَشَرَّف بِالجُلُوسِ

Hurry up.

جلدی کرو


Very funny.

یہ بہت مزاحیہ ہے

ھَزَلِیَّۃٌ جدًّا

Attention please.

براہ کرم توجہ کریں

مِن فَضْلِکَ اَن تَتَوَجَّھْہُ اِلَیَّ


خوشگوار- اچھا




فِی الْحَقِیْقَۃِ




Don’t hesitate.

ہچکچاؤ مت

لَا تَتَلَعْثَمْ

Don’t ask again.

دوبارہ مت پوچھیں

لَا تَعُدْ سَائِلًا

Don’t make a noise.

شور مت کرو

لَا تَرْفَعُو الْاَصْوَات

Tell me the truth.

مجھے سچ بتاؤ

اَخْبِرْنِی بِصِدقٍ

Tell me your story.

مجھے اپنی داستان سناؤ

اَسْمِعْنِی قَصَّتَکَ

See you later.

آپ سے بعد میں ملوں گا

اَزُورُکَ لَاحِقًا

Of course.

بلا شبہ

لَا شَکٌّ

Any way.

کسی بھی طرح

بِأَیِّ صُورَۃٍ

Attention please.

توجہ فرمائیں

اَقْبِل اِلَیَّ مِن فَضْلِک

Keep away.


تَنَحُّ عَنْہُ


کبھی نہیں


Get back.

پیچھے ہٹو


Make way.

راستہ دو

خَلِّ الطَّرِیقَ

I swear.

میں قسم کھاتا ہوں

اُقْسِمُ بِااللہِ

Go on.

جاری رکھو


What’s going on?

کیا ہو رہا ہے؟

مَاذَا یَحْدُثُ

Carry on.

کام جاری رکھو

وَاصِلْ اَمْرَکَ

Spoken Arabic to English Phrases with Meanings in Urdu. Short Arabic Phrases with translation in Urdu. Learn Arabic through English and Urdu. Frequently used Arabic sentences in daily life. Sentences for spoken Arabic and English. Arabic Sentences for Spoken English and Urdu. Commonly spoken Arabic to English Sentences. Arabic to Urdu sentences used in daily life. Daily life short spoken Arabic phrases.

Arabic to English Phrases with Meanings in Urdu. Short Arabic Phrases with translation in Urdu. Learn Arabic through English and Urdu. Frequently used Arabic sentences in daily life. Sentences for spoken Arabic and English. Arabic Sentences for Spoken English and Urdu. Commonly spoken Arabic to English Sentences. Arabic to Urdu sentences used in daily life. Daily life short spoken Arabic phrases.

Arabic to English Phrases with Meanings in Urdu. Short Arabic Phrases with translation in Urdu. Learn Arabic through English and Urdu. Frequently used Arabic sentences in daily life. Sentences for spoken Arabic and English. Arabic Sentences for Spoken English and Urdu. Commonly spoken Arabic to English Sentences. Arabic to Urdu sentences used in daily life. Daily life short spoken Arabic phrases.

Arabic to English Phrases with Meanings in Urdu. Short Arabic Phrases with translation in Urdu. Learn Arabic through English and Urdu. Frequently used Arabic sentences in daily life. Sentences for spoken Arabic and English. Arabic Sentences for Spoken English and Urdu. Commonly spoken Arabic to English Sentences. Arabic to Urdu sentences used in daily life. Daily life short spoken Arabic phrases.

Arabic to English Phrases with Meanings in Urdu. Short Arabic Phrases with translation in Urdu. Learn Arabic through English and Urdu. Frequently used Arabic sentences in daily life. Sentences for spoken Arabic and English. Arabic Sentences for Spoken English and Urdu. Commonly spoken Arabic to English Sentences. Arabic to Urdu sentences used in daily life. Daily life short spoken Arabic phrases.

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Arabic to English Phrases with Meanings in Urdu

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