Arabic to Urdu Sentences

Important Short Arabic Phrases in English/Urdu

Important Short Arabic Phrases in English/Urdu. Arabic to English phrases with translation in English and Urdu. Learn Urdu and English at the same time through Arabic. Arabic and English learning made easy. Arabic sentences with English and Urdu translation. Arabic Phrases for Spoken English and Urdu. Basic Arabic Phrases for conversation in Arabic Countries. Basic Conversational Phrases to start dialogue with Arabic Speakers.

Important Short Arabic Phrases in English/Urdu. Arabic to English phrases with translation in English and Urdu. Learn Urdu and English at the same time through Arabic. Arabic and English learning made easy. Arabic sentences with English and Urdu translation. Arabic Phrases for Spoken English and Urdu. Basic Arabic Phrases for conversation in Arabic Countries. Basic Conversational Phrases to start dialogue with Arabic Speakers.

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Important Short Arabic Phrases in English/Urdu

Put on your new coat.

اپنا نیا کوٹ پہنیں

اَلبِس سُتَرَتَکَ الجَدِیدَۃَ

Don’t be silly.

بے وقوف مت بنو

لَا تَکُن اَحمَقًا

Shut up.

منہ بند رکھو

اَغْلِق فَمَکَ

Don’t disturb me.

مجھے پریشان مت کرو

لَا تُزعِجْنِی

How sweet.

کتنا پیارا

مِنَ الْحُبِّ

Very nice.

بہت اچھا

جَیِّدٌ جِدًّا

Just a minute please.

صرف ایک منٹ پلیز

اِنْتَظِر دَقِیقَۃَ فَقَط

Wait a minute please.

ایک منٹ انتظار کریں

اِصْبِر دَقِیقَۃَ فَقَط

What happened?

کیا ہوا؟

مَاذَا حَدَث؟

Who are you?

تم کون ہو؟

مَنْ اَنتَ؟

I’m alright

میں بالکل ٹھیک ہوں

اَنَا بِخَیر

Don’t worry.

پریشان مت ہوں

لَا تَحزَن

Put on your shoes.

اپنے جوتے پہنیں

اَلْبِس اَحْزِیَتَکَ

Put on your turban.

اپنی پگڑی پہنیں

اَلْبِس عِمَامَتَکَ

Are you sure?

کیا آپکو یقین ہے؟

ھَل تَتَیَقَّنُ؟

Be quiet.

خاموش رہیں


So sad.

کتنی دکھ کی بات ہے

کَمْ مِنَ الأَسَفِ

Never mind.

کوئی بات نہیں

لَا بَأْسَ

Don’t touch.

مت چھوئیں

لَا تَمُسَّ

I am sure.

مجھے یقین ہے





Excuse me.

معاف فرمائیے


Keep silent.

خاموشی اختیار کریں


Wait a minute please.

ایک منٹ انتظار کریں

اِنْتَظِر دَقِیْقَۃَ

Get in.

اندر آجاؤ


Get out.

باہر نکل جاؤ

اُخرُج خَارِجًا

Get lost.

دفع ہو جاؤ

قُمْ عَنِّی

Tell truth.

سچ بتاؤ

اَخْبِر حَقًّا

Keep away.

دور رہو-دور رکھو

اُبْعُد عَنِّی

Be frank.

بے تکلف ہو جاؤ

کُن حُرًّا

Don’t tell a lie.

جھوٹ مت بولو

لَا تَکْذِب

Be honest.

دیانت دار رہو

کُن مُؤْتَمِنًا

I like truth.

میں سچ پسند کرتا ہوں

اُحِبُّ الصَّدَاقَۃَ

Not at all.

ہرگز نہیں


Important Short Arabic Phrases in English/Urdu. Arabic to English phrases with translation in English and Urdu. Learn Urdu and English at the same time through Arabic. Arabic and English learning made easy. Arabic sentences with English and Urdu translation. Arabic Phrases for Spoken English and Urdu. Basic Arabic Phrases for conversation in Arabic Countries. Basic Conversational Phrases to start dialogue with Arabic Speakers.

Important Short Arabic Phrases in English/Urdu. Arabic to English phrases with translation in English and Urdu. Learn Urdu and English at the same time through Arabic. Arabic and English learning made easy. Arabic sentences with English and Urdu translation. Arabic Phrases for Spoken English and Urdu. Basic Arabic Phrases for conversation in Arabic Countries. Basic Conversational Phrases to start dialogue with Arabic Speakers.

Important Short Arabic Phrases in English/Urdu. Arabic to English phrases with translation in English and Urdu. Learn Urdu and English at the same time through Arabic. Arabic and English learning made easy. Arabic sentences with English and Urdu translation. Arabic Phrases for Spoken English and Urdu. Basic Arabic Phrases for conversation in Arabic Countries. Basic Conversational Phrases to start dialogue with Arabic Speakers.

Important Short Arabic Phrases in English/Urdu. Arabic to English phrases with translation in English and Urdu. Learn Urdu and English at the same time through Arabic. Arabic and English learning made easy. Arabic sentences with English and Urdu translation. Arabic Phrases for Spoken English and Urdu. Basic Arabic Phrases for conversation in Arabic Countries. Basic Conversational Phrases to start dialogue with Arabic Speakers.

Important Short Arabic Phrases in English/Urdu. Arabic to English phrases with translation in English and Urdu. Learn Urdu and English at the same time through Arabic. Arabic and English learning made easy. Arabic sentences with English and Urdu translation. Arabic Phrases for Spoken English and Urdu. Basic Arabic Phrases for conversation in Arabic Countries. Basic Conversational Phrases to start dialogue with Arabic Speakers.

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Important Short Arabic Phrases | Arabic Conversational Phrases

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