Arabic to Urdu Sentences

Arabic Urdu Sentences | Translate Arabic to Urdu

Arabic Urdu Sentences for Daily Use. Translate Arabic to Urdu sentences. Learn Arabic through English and Urdu using these useful sentences. Urdu to Arabic and Arabic to Urdu Sentences for Arabic and Urdu Learning within a short interval of time. Be fluent in Arabic through Urdu and English Sentences. Free Online Urdu to Arabic Translation service. Arabic Sentences of daily use with Urdu and English Translation. Improve your Arabic translation skills from English to Urdu and Urdu to English.

Arabic Urdu Sentences for Daily Use. Translate Arabic to Urdu sentences. Learn Arabic through English and Urdu using these useful sentences. Urdu to Arabic and Arabic to Urdu Sentences for Arabic and Urdu Learning within a short interval of time. Be fluent in Arabic through Urdu and English Sentences. Free Online Urdu to Arabic Translation service. Arabic Sentences of daily use with Urdu and English Translation. Improve your Arabic translation skills from English to Urdu and Urdu to English.

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Translation from Arabic to Urdu

It’s a holiday

آج چھٹّی کا دن ہے

اَلْیَوْم یَوْمُ الْعُطٌلَۃِ

It’s loose

یہ ڈھیلا ہے

ھَذَاضَعِیْفٌ ذٗوْفَتُوْرٍ

I need a favour

مجھے تھوڑی مدد چاہیے

اُرِیْدُ الْمُسَاعَدَۃً قَلِیْلَۃً

Repeat it

اسے دہرا دو

رَاجَعْ ھٰذَا

I am relaxing today

میں آج آرام کر رہا ہوں

اَلْیَوْمَ اَسْتَرِیْعُ

Where do I go now?

اب میں کہاں جاوٓۤں؟

اَیْنَ اَذْھَبُ الْآنَ

I did not mean that

میرا مطلب یہ نہیں تھا

مَا اَرَدتُّ ھَذَا

He is out spoken

وہ کھری بات کرتا ہے

ھُوَ یَتَکَلَّمُ بِا لْحَقّ

Can you deliver this to my home?

کیا تم اسے میرے گھر پہنچا دو گے؟

ھَلْ تُوْصِلٗہُ اِلَی بَیْتِیْ

Change the channel

چینل بدل دو

غَیِّرْ قَنَاۃً

What’s the price of this item?

اس چیز کی کیا قیمت ہے؟

مَا سِعْرُ ھَذَا الشَّیْئِ

I am terribly frightened

میں بے حد خوفزدہ ہوں

اَنَا حَائِفٌ جِدًّا

I am watching T.V.

میں ٹی وی دیکھ رہا ہوں

اُشَاھِدُ التِّلْفَازَ

You will get wet

تم بھیگ جاوٓ گے

سَتَبْتَلُّ اَنْتَ

He is out of sorts

اس کی طبیعت خراب ہے

طَبِیْعَتٗہُ فَاسِدَۃٌ جِدٍّا

Speak with respect!

تمیز سے بات کرو

تَکَلَّمْ بِاَدَبٍ

It’s very costly

یہ بہت قیمتی ہے

ھَذَا ثَمِیْنٌ جِدًّا

I carved my way

مین نے اپنا راستہ خود بنایا

اِخْتَرْتُ لِنَفْسِی سَبِیْلاً

Where had you been since morning?

تم صبح کہاں تھے؟

اَیْنَ کُنْتُ مُنْزَالصُّبَاحِ

Can you do it for me?

کیا میرے لیے تم یہ کر سکتے ہو؟

ھَلْ تَقْدِرُ اَنْ تَفْعَلَ لِی ھَذَا

I shall not let it happen

میں ایسا نہیں ہونے دوں گا

لَا اَدَعُ اَنْ یَّصْبِرَ ھَکَذَا

Why didn’t you tell me earlier?

تم نے مجھے پہلے کیوں نہیں بتایا

لَمَا ذَا مَا اَخْبَرْتَنِیْ مَنْ قَبْلَ

I let you know by tomorrow

کل تک تمہیں بتاتا ہوں

اُخْبِرُکَ اِلَی الْغَدِ

Arabic Urdu Sentences for Daily Use. Translate Arabic to Urdu sentences. Learn Arabic through English and Urdu using these useful sentences. Urdu to Arabic and Arabic to Urdu Sentences for Arabic and Urdu Learning within a short interval of time. Be fluent in Arabic through Urdu and English Sentences. Free Online Urdu to Arabic Translation service. Arabic Sentences of daily use with Urdu and English Translation. Improve your Arabic translation skills from English to Urdu and Urdu to English.

Arabic Urdu Sentences for Daily Use. Translate Arabic to Urdu sentences. Learn Arabic through English and Urdu using these useful sentences. Urdu to Arabic and Arabic to Urdu Sentences for Arabic and Urdu Learning within a short interval of time. Be fluent in Arabic through Urdu and English Sentences. Free Online Urdu to Arabic Translation service. Arabic Sentences of daily use with Urdu and English Translation. Improve your Arabic translation skills from English to Urdu and Urdu to English.

Arabic Urdu Sentences for Daily Use. Translate Arabic to Urdu sentences. Learn Arabic through English and Urdu using these useful sentences. Urdu to Arabic and Arabic to Urdu Sentences for Arabic and Urdu Learning within a short interval of time. Be fluent in Arabic through Urdu and English Sentences. Free Online Urdu to Arabic Translation service. Arabic Sentences of daily use with Urdu and English Translation. Improve your Arabic translation skills from English to Urdu and Urdu to English.

Arabic Urdu Sentences for Daily Use. Translate Arabic to Urdu sentences. Learn Arabic through English and Urdu using these useful sentences. Urdu to Arabic and Arabic to Urdu Sentences for Arabic and Urdu Learning within a short interval of time. Be fluent in Arabic through Urdu and English Sentences. Free Online Urdu to Arabic Translation service. Arabic Sentences of daily use with Urdu and English Translation. Improve your Arabic translation skills from English to Urdu and Urdu to English.

Arabic Urdu Sentences for Daily Use. Translate Arabic to Urdu sentences. Learn Arabic through English and Urdu using these useful sentences. Urdu to Arabic and Arabic to Urdu Sentences for Arabic and Urdu Learning within a short interval of time. Be fluent in Arabic through Urdu and English Sentences. Free Online Urdu to Arabic Translation service. Arabic Sentences of daily use with Urdu and English Translation. Improve your Arabic translation skills from English to Urdu and Urdu to English.

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Urdu se Arabic Translation PDF | Arabic to Urdu Sentences

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