Arabic Vocabulary

Arabic Vocabulary | Household Items in Arabic

Arabic Vocabulary for Household Items in Arabic. Memorizing Vocabularies help you to quickly understand Arabic. The best way to learn Arabic is to memorize the vocabularies of the objects you use in your daily life. Arabic Vocabulary around the house and learn Arabic Vocabulary related to the Home.

Arabic Vocabulary for Household Items in Arabic. Memorizing Vocabularies help you to quickly understand Arabic. The best way to learn Arabic is to memorize the vocabularies of the objects you use in your daily life. Arabic Vocabulary around the house and learn Arabic Vocabulary related to the Home.

Arabic Vocabulary for Household Items in Arabic. Memorizing Vocabularies help you to quickly understand Arabic. The best way to learn Arabic is to memorize the vocabularies of the objects you use in your daily life. Arabic Vocabulary around the house and learn Arabic Vocabulary related to the Home.

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House Items Vocabulary

1 Box  صُنْدُوْقٌ
2  Key  مِفْتَاحٌ
3 Lock قُفْلٌ
4 Hanger  مِشْجَبٌ
5 Room  حُجْرَةٌ
6 Mirror  مِرْأةٌ
7  Floor  بِلَاطٌ
8 Towel  مِنْشَفَةٌ
9 Tooth Paste  مَعْجُوْنُ الْأَسْنَانِ
10 Tooth Brush  فُرْشَةُ الْأَسْنَانِ
11 Shampoo  شَامْبُوْ
12 Bath Room  حَمَّامٌ
13 Water Closet  مِرْحَاضٌ
14 Soap  صَابُوْنٌ
15 Take Bath  اسْتَحَمَّ – يَسْتَحِمُّ
16 Plastic Container  مِغْرَفَةٌ
17 Glass  كُوْبٌ
18 Cup  فِنْجَانٌ
19 Spoon  مِلْعَقَةٌ
20 Plate  صَحْنٌ
21 Bowl  طَاسٌ
22 Match  كِبْرِيْتٌ
23 Kitchen  مَطْبَخٌ
24 Fire نَارٌ
25 Smoke  دُخَانٌ
26 Match Stick  عُودُ الْكِبْرِيْتِ
27 Scissor  مِقَصٌّ
28 Knife سِكِّيْنٌ
29 Stove  بَابُوْرٌ
30 Rice Boiler  غَلَّايَةٌ
31 Chop Stick مِلْقَةٌ
33 Roasting Spit  مِقْلَبٌ
34 Mill Stone مِطْحَنَةٌ
35 Thump Stone  مِدَقٌّ
36 Pot قِدْرٌ
37 Fire Wood  حَطَبٌ
38 Bring  حَمَلَ – يَحْمِلُ
39 Rice Basket  سَلَّةٌ مَخْرُطَةٌ
40 Rice  رُزٌّ
41 Cinder  جَمْرَةٌ
42 Charcoal  فُحْمٌ
43 Ash  رَمَادٌ
44 Cry  بَكَى – يَبْكِيْ
45 Sweep  كَنَسَ – يَكْنُسُ
46 Broom  مِكْنَسَةٌ
47 Cricket  جُدْجُدٌ
48 Grasshopper  جَرَادٌ
49 Take  أَخَذَ – يَأْخُذُ
50  Tray  طَبَقٌ
51 Thermos  كَظِيْمَةٌ
52 Enter  دَخَلَ – يَدْخُلُ
53 Fork  شَوْكَةٌ
54 Put  وَضَعَ – يَضَعُ
55 Under Wear  تُبَّانٌ
56 Sarong  إِزَارٌ
57 Pillow  وِسَادَةٌ
58 Blanquette  دِثَارٌ
59 Tomorrow  غَدًا
60 Yesterday  أَمْسِ
61 Today  الْيَوْمَ
62 Wear  لَبِسَ – يَلْبَسُ
63 Take Amution  تَغَوَّطَ – يَتَغَوَّطُ
64 Water  مَاءٌ
65 Take Ablution  تَوَضَّأَ – يَتَوَضَّأُ
66 Pray  صَلَّى – يُصَلِّى
67 Prayer Mat  سَجَّادَةٌ
68 Belt  حِزَامٌ
69 Fall  سَقَطَ – يَسْقُطُ
70 Sunday  يَوْمُ الأَحَدِ
71 Monday  يَوْمُ الإسْنَيْنِ
72 Tuesday  يَوْمُ الثُّلَاثَاءِ
73 Wednesday  يَوْمُ الْأَرْبِعَاءِ
74 Thursday  يَوْمُ الْخَمِيْسِ
75 Friday  يَوْمُ الْجُمُعَةِ
76 Saturday  يَوْمُ السَّبْتِ
77 Memorize  حَفِظَ – يَحْفَظً
78 Doze  نَعَسَ – يَنْعَسُ
79 Rain  مَطَرٌ
80 Umbrella  مِظَلَّةٌ
81 Look like  أَشْبَهَ – يُشْبِهُ
82 House Lizard  وَزَغَةٌ
83 Descend  نَزَلَ – يَنْزِلُ
84 Pail دَلْوٌ
85 Use اِسْتَعْمَلَ – يَسْتَعْمِلُ
86 Salve  مَرْهَمٌ
87 Glue  غِرَاءٌ
88 Wash  غَسَلَ – يَغْسِلُ
89 Soak  نَقَعَ – يَنْقَعُ
90 Pour  صَبَّ – يَصُبُّ
91 Go  ذَهَبَ – يَذْهَبُ
92 Speak  تَكَلَّمَ – يَتَكَلَّمُ
93 Post Office  مَكْتَبُ الْبَرِيْدِ
94 Letter  رِسَالَةٌ
95 Send  أَرْسَلَ – يُرْسِلُ
96 Stamp  طَابِعٌ
97 Envelops  ظَرْفٌ
98 Washed Clothes  غَسِيْلٌ
99 Dry  جَفَّفَ – يُجَفِّفُ
100 Comb  مَشَّطَ-يُمَشِّطُ
101 Comb  مُشْطٌ
102 Hair  شَعْرٌ
103 Trousers  بَنْطَلُوْنٌ
104 Shoes  خِذَاءٌ
105 Socks  جَوْرَبٌ
106 Joke  مَزَحَ-بَمْزَحُ
107 During  أثْنَاءٌ
108 Fan  مِرْوَحَةٌ
109 Ink  حِبْرٌ
110 Wrist Watch  سَاعَةُ الْيَدِ
111 Lip  شَفَةٌ
112 Switch on  شَغَّلَ-يُشَغِّلُ
113 Switch off  عَطَّلَ-يُعَطِّلُ
114 Mole  شَامَةٌ
115 Switch On  أَشْعَلَ-يُشْعِلُ
116 Switch Off  أَطْفَأَ-يُطْفِئُ
117 Photo  صُوْرَةٌ
118 Purse  جُزْدَانٌ
119 Clean  نَظَّفَ-يُنَظِّفُ
120 Learn  دَرَسَ-يَدْرُسُ

Arabic Vocabulary for Household Items in Arabic. Memorizing Vocabularies help you to quickly understand Arabic. The best way to learn Arabic is to memorize the vocabularies of the objects you use in your daily life. Arabic Vocabulary around the house and learn Arabic Vocabulary related to the Home. 

Arabic Vocabulary for Household Items in Arabic. Memorizing Vocabularies help you to quickly understand Arabic. The best way to learn Arabic is to memorize the vocabularies of the objects you use in your daily life. Arabic Vocabulary around the house and learn Arabic Vocabulary related to the Home. 

Arabic Vocabulary for Household Items in Arabic. Memorizing Vocabularies help you to quickly understand Arabic. The best way to learn Arabic is to memorize the vocabularies of the objects you use in your daily life. Arabic Vocabulary around the house and learn Arabic Vocabulary related to the Home. 

Arabic Vocabulary for Household Items in Arabic. Memorizing Vocabularies help you to quickly understand Arabic. The best way to learn Arabic is to memorize the vocabularies of the objects you use in your daily life. Arabic Vocabulary around the house and learn Arabic Vocabulary related to the Home. 

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Household Vocabulary | Arabic Vocabulary

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