Arabic Vocabulary

Eid ul Adha Vocabulary in Arabic English and Urdu

Here are the most important and commonly used Arabic words with English & Urdu Translation which are used Eid ul Adha. In this lesson, we are gonna learn 20 vocabulary words that we often use on this Holy Day.

Eid ul Adha, also called Eid-e-Qurban or Bakra Eid is the second of two Islamic Festival that is celebrated Worldwide every year. It is in the honour of Hazrat Ibrahim (A.S)’s sacrifice of his son Hazrat Ismail(A.S) as an act of obedience to Allah’s command.

Muslims celebrate this great festival by sacrificing animals like goat, camel, sheep, buffalo, cow etc.  The other names of this Eid are Festival of Sacrifice, Sacrifice Feast, Festival of Sacrifice; Sacrifice Feast; Greater Eid.

Here are the most important and commonly used Arabic words with English & Urdu Translation which are used Eid ul Adha. In this lesson, we are gonna learn 20 vocabulary words that we often use on this Holy Day.

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Here are the most important and commonly used Arabic words with English & Urdu Translation which are used Eid ul Adha. In this lesson, we are gonna learn 20 vocabulary words that we often use on this Holy Day.

Here are the most important and commonly used Arabic words with English & Urdu Translation which are used Eid ul Adha. In this lesson, we are gonna learn 20 vocabulary words that we often use on this Holy Day.

English Urdu Arabic
Butcher قصائی قَصَّابٌ ، جَزَّارٌ
Camel اونٹ جَمَلٌ
Cattle market مویشی منڈی سُوقُ الحَیوَانَاتِ
Chop ٹکڑے کرنا قَطَعٌ
Cleaver ٹوکہ سَاطُورٌ
Cow گائے بَقَرَۃٌ
Deserving مستحقین مُستَحِقٌّ
Eid eve چاند رات لَیلَۃُ العِیدِ
Eid prayer عید کی نماز صَلَوۃُ العِیدِ
Embrace گلے لگانا مُعَانَقَۃٌ
Fodder چارہ عَلَفٌ
Goat بکری غَنَمٌ
Greet مبارکباد دینا تَھنِیَۃٌ
Hide کھال جِلدٌ ، بَشَرَۃٌ
Liver کلیجی کَبِدٌ
Meat گوشت لَحمٌ
Ram دنبہ کَبشٌ ، خَرُوفٌ
Sacrifice قربان کرنا تَضحِیَۃٌ
Sheep بھیڑ ضَئنٌ
Slaughter ذبح کرنا ذِبحٌ
Slaughterhouse ذبح خانہ مَذبَحٌ
Tripe اوجھڑی کِرشٌ

Here are the most important and commonly used Arabic words with English & Urdu Translation which are used Eid ul Adha. In this lesson, we are gonna learn 20 vocabulary words that we often use on this Holy Day.

Here are the most important and commonly used Arabic words with English & Urdu Translation which are used Eid ul Adha. In this lesson, we are gonna learn 20 vocabulary words that we often use on this Holy Day.

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Eid ul Adha Vocabulary in Arabic

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