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Law Vocabulary in English and Urdu | Legal Glossary in Urdu

Legal terms and glossary list in English with Urdu meanings. Law Terms and Vocabulary with Urdu / Hindi Meanings learn important law vocabulary words and terms with Urdu & Hindi meanings list of legal terminology with their meanings.

Legal terms and glossary list in English with Urdu meanings. Law Terms and Vocabulary with Urdu / Hindi Meanings learn important law vocabulary words and terms with Urdu & Hindi meanings list of legal terminology with their meanings.

Legal terms and glossary list in English with Urdu meanings. Law Terms and Vocabulary with Urdu / Hindi Meanings learn important law vocabulary words and terms with Urdu & Hindi meanings list of legal terminology with their meanings.

Legal terms and glossary list in English with Urdu meanings. Law Terms and Vocabulary with Urdu / Hindi Meanings learn important law vocabulary words and terms with Urdu & Hindi meanings list of legal terminology with their meanings.

Legal terms and glossary list in English with Urdu meanings. Law Terms and Vocabulary with Urdu / Hindi Meanings learn important law vocabulary words and terms with Urdu & Hindi meanings list of legal terminology with their meanings.

Legal terms and glossary list in English with Urdu meanings. Law Terms and Vocabulary with Urdu / Hindi Meanings learn important law vocabulary words and terms with Urdu & Hindi meanings list of legal terminology with their meanings.

Acceptance قبولیت
Ad valorem حسب المالیات
Adjourn ملتوی
Adverse possession قبضہ مخالفانہ
Affidavit بیان حلفی
Aggrieved party متاثرہ فریق
Agreement to sell اقرارنامہ
Alleged مبینہ
Amendment ترمیم
Amicus curiae عدالتی معاون
Anti-terrorist انسداد دہشتگردی
Applicant سائل
Arbitration council ثالثی کونسل
Bail ضمانت
Bail bond ضمانت نامہ
Bankruptcy law قانون دیوالیہ
Bias تعصب
Blood money دیت، خون بہا
Board of revenue مجلس مال
Burden of proof بارِثبوت
Civil دیوانی
Civil miscellaneous دیوانی متفرق
Cognizable offence قابل دست اندازی
Competent authority مجاز اتھارٹی
Competition law مسابقتی قانون
Complaint استغاثہ
Compromise deed راضی نامہ
Conditional judgement مشروط فیصلہ
Confession اقبال جرم
Conflict of interest تصادم مفادات
Confront تقابل
Consolidation اشتمال
Constitution دستور، آئین
Constitutional democracy دستوری جمہوریت
Contempt of court توہین عدالت
Contract معاہدہ
Correspondence مراسلہ
Criminal فوجداری
Criminal abetment اعانت مجرمانہ
Criminal breach of trust مجرمانہ خیانت
Criminal intimidation تخویف جرمانہ
Criminal procedure code مجموعہ ضابطہ فوجداری
Cross examination جراح
Custody تحویل
Customary dower مہر مثل
Daily diary روزنامچہ
Damages ہرجانہ
Deceased متوفی
Declaration دعویٰ استقرار حق
Deed writer وثیقہ نویس
Defamation ہتک عزت
Defection انحراف
Defendant مدعا علیہ
Deferred dower مہر موجل
Discretion صوابدید
Discriminatory law امتیازی قوانین
Disputed متدعویہ
Dissolution of marriage تنسیخ نکاح
Doctrine of laches نظریہ غفلت
Doctrine of necessity نظریہ ضرورت
Documentary evidence دستاویزی شہادت
Dower حق مہر
Due process واجب عمل
Duress اکراہ
Earnest money زر بیعانہ
Easement حق آسائش
Environmental law ماحولیاتی قانون
Estoppel امرمانع تقریر مخالف
Exclusion clause استثنائی شق
Execution اجراء
Exempt مستثنیٰ
Inherent power اختیار اصلی
Injunction حکم امتناعی
Injury report نقشہ مضروبی
Inquest request رپورٹ مرگ
Intellectual property حقووق تخلیق
Interim order عبوری حکم
Interim relief عبوری دادرسی
Irreparable loss ناقابل تلافی نقصان
Issues تنقیحات
Jactitation of marriage تکزیب نکاح
Judgement debtor مدیون ڈگری
Judicial activism عدالتی فعالیت
Judicial restraint عدالتی تحمل
Jurisdiction دائرہ اختیار
Leading question ہدایتی سوال
Lease پٹہ
Legal capacity قانونی اہلیت
Mandatory injunction حکم امتناعی تاکیدی
Pecuniary jurisdiction مالیاتی اختیار سماعت
Permanent injunction حکم امتناعی دوامی
Prompt dower مہر معجّل
Rape زنا بالجبر
Record of right جمعبندی
Recovery memo فرد برآمدگی
Redemption بازیابی
Relief دادرسی
Relinquishment deed دستبرداری نامہ
Resolution of conjugal اعادہ حقوق زوجیت
Respondent جواب دہندگان
Territorial jurisdiction علاقائی اختیار سماعت

Legal terms and glossary list in English with Urdu meanings. Law Terms and Vocabulary with Urdu / Hindi Meanings learn important law vocabulary words and terms with Urdu & Hindi meanings list of legal terminology with their meanings.

Legal terms and glossary list in English with Urdu meanings. Law Terms and Vocabulary with Urdu / Hindi Meanings learn important law vocabulary words and terms with Urdu & Hindi meanings list of legal terminology with their meanings.

Legal terms and glossary list in English with Urdu meanings. Law Terms and Vocabulary with Urdu / Hindi Meanings learn important law vocabulary words and terms with Urdu & Hindi meanings list of legal terminology with their meanings.

Legal terms and glossary list in English with Urdu meanings. Law Terms and Vocabulary with Urdu / Hindi Meanings learn important law vocabulary words and terms with Urdu & Hindi meanings list of legal terminology with their meanings.

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