Arabic to Urdu Sentences

Spoken English Sentences with Arabic and Urdu Translation

Spoken Arabic Sentences with English Urdu. Spoken Arabic Phrases with translation in English and Urdu with PDF. Learn Arabic through these sentences with meanings in English and Urdu. Arabic Sentences for Spoken English and Urdu with PDF. Learn Arabic for FREE. Learn short Arabic Expressions in English and Urdu if you wan to have a basic conversation in Arabic and English. A collection of useful phrases in Modern Standard Arabic.

Spoken English Sentences with Arabic and Urdu. Spoken Arabic Phrases with translation in English and Urdu with PDF. Learn Arabic through these sentences with meanings in English and Urdu. Arabic Sentences for Spoken English and Urdu with PDF. Learn Arabic for FREE. Learn short Arabic Expressions in English and Urdu if you wan to have a basic conversation in Arabic and English. A collection of useful phrases in Modern Standard Arabic.

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Spoken English Sentences with Arabic and Urdu Translation

 He is at home in Arabic.

ھُوَ مُتمَعِرٌّ فِی العَرَبِیَّۃِ

وہ عربی میں ماہر ہے

Vacate my house.

اَخْلِ بَیْتِی

میرا گھر خالی کر دو

Beware of him.

اِحْتَرِزْ مِنہُ

اس سے بچ کر رہو

Everything will be settled.

سَیَصلُحُ جَمِیعُ الاَحْوَالِ

سب کچھ ٹھیک ہو جائے گا

Get your name registered.

سَجِّل اِسمَکَ

اپنا نام رجسٹر کروا لو

I lost my appetite.

ذَھَب عَنِّی الجُوعُ

میرئ بھوک ختم ہو گئی ہے

May I know your name?


کیا میں آپکا نام جان سکتا ہوں؟

This brake does not work.

ھَذِہِ الفَرْمَلَۃُ لَاتَعْمَلُ

یہ بریک نہیں لگتی

You need not worry.

لَا تَتَفَکَّر

آپ فکر نہ کریں

Keep to the left.

اِمشِ یَسَارًا

بائیں طرف چلو

Where are you getting off?

اَینَ تَنزِلُ؟

آپ کہاں اتریں گے؟

How long will it take?

کَم وَقتًا یَسْتَغْرِقُ؟

کتنی دیر لگے گی؟

That is all.

نَعَم، ھَذِہِ ھِیَ

ہاں، بس یہی ہے

I cannot wait.

لَا اَستَطِیعُ أن اَنتَظِرُ

میں انتظار نہیں کر سکتا

Don’t argue with me.

لَا تُنَاقِشْنِی

میرے ساتھ بحث مت کرو

Don’t try my patience.

لَا تَمْتَحِن صَبرِی

میرے صبر کا امتحان نہ لو

He is not at home.

مَا فِی الدَّارِ ھُوَ

وہ گھر پر نہیں ہے

Should I leave or stay?

اَذْھَبُ أَم اُقِفُ؟

میں جاؤں یا ٹھہروں؟

It was not my fault.

ھَذِہِ لَم تَکُن جَرِیمَتِی

یہ میرا قصور نہیں تھا

I’ll think over this matter.

سَأَتَفَکَّرُ فِی ھَذِہِ المُعَامَلَۃِ

میں اس معاملہ پر سوچوں گا

I got duped by him.

اِخْتِرَعْتُ بِکَیدِہِ

میں اس کے فریب میں آگیا

As you like.

کَمَا تَشَاءُ

جیسے آپ کی مرضی

I am awfully hungry.

اَنَا جَوعَانِ جِدًّا

مجھے سخت بھوک لگی ہے

Not at all.


ہرگز نہیں

How is weather?

کَیفَ کَانَ الجَوُّ؟

موسم کیسا ہے؟

It is twenty to nine.

السَّاعَۃُ التَاسِعَۃُ اِلَّا ثُلُثَا

نو بجنے میں بیس منٹ باقی ہیں

What is the time please?

یا سَیَّدِی! کَمِ السَّاعَۃِ الآنَ؟

جناب کیا وقت ہوا ہے؟

Do not worry.

لَا تَحْزَن

فکر نہ کیجئے

Why have you come late?

لِمَاذَا تَأَخَّرتَ؟

آپ دیر سے کیوں آئے؟

I have done.

قَد شَبِعْتُ

میں سیر ہو گیا

This is my luggage.

ھَ۔ذَا مَتَاعِی

یہ میرا سامان ہے

Do you want some rest?

ھَل تُرِیدُ اَن تَشتَرِیحُ قَلِیلاً؟

کیا آپ کو کچھ آرام چاہیئے؟

Why are you so sad?

لِمَاذَا تَحْزَنُ حُزْنًا؟

آپ اتنے غمگین کیوں ہیں؟

She is not your well-wisher.

ھِیَ لَیسَ بِنَاصِحٍ لَکَ

وہ تمہاری خیر خواہ نہیں ہے

It is a very ambitious plan.

ھَذِہِ خُطَّۃٌ کَبِیرَۃٌ

یہ بہت بڑا منصوبہ ہے

Is she still here?

ھل ھِیَ ھُنَا حَتَّی الآن؟

کیا وہ ابھی بھی یہیں ہے؟

Please come here.

تَتَشَرَّفْ قَلِیلاً بَاِتْیَانٍ ھُنا

ذرا یہاں آنا

I have full faith in him.

اَنَا اَعْتَمِدُ عَلَیہِ اِعتِمَادًا کَامِلاً

مجھے اس پر پورا اعتماد ہے

He is on the point of death.

ھُوَ عِندَ حَالَۃِ النَزْعِ

وہ مرنے کے قریب ہے

His ankle was sprained.

قَد اُصِیبَ بِاِلْتِوَاءٍ فِی رِجلِہِ

اس کے ٹخنے میں موچ آگئی ہے

Let me go.

خَلِّ سَبِیلِی

مجھے جانے دو

Get lost at once.

قُم عَنِّی حَالًا

فورا دفع ہو جاؤ

He has gone back on his word.

ھُوَ اِنصَرَفَ عَن وَعْدَہٗ

وہ اپنے وعدے سے پھر گیا

Spoken Arabic Sentences with English Urdu. Spoken Arabic Phrases with translation in English and Urdu. Learn Arabic through these sentences with meanings in English and Urdu. Arabic Sentences for Spoken English and Urdu. Learn Arabic for FREE. Learn short Arabic Expressions in English and Urdu if you wan to have a basic conversation in Arabic and English. A collection of useful phrases in Modern Standard Arabic.

Spoken Arabic Sentences with English Urdu. Spoken Arabic Phrases with translation in English and Urdu. Learn Arabic through these sentences with meanings in English and Urdu. Arabic Sentences for Spoken English and Urdu. Learn Arabic for FREE. Learn short Arabic Expressions in English and Urdu if you wan to have a basic conversation in Arabic and English. A collection of useful phrases in Modern Standard Arabic.

Spoken Arabic Sentences with English Urdu. Spoken Arabic Phrases with translation in English and Urdu. Learn Arabic through these sentences with meanings in English and Urdu. Arabic Sentences for Spoken English and Urdu. Learn Arabic for FREE. Learn short Arabic Expressions in English and Urdu if you wan to have a basic conversation in Arabic and English. A collection of useful phrases in Modern Standard Arabic.

Spoken Arabic Sentences with English Urdu. Spoken Arabic Phrases with translation in English and Urdu. Learn Arabic through these sentences with meanings in English and Urdu. Arabic Sentences for Spoken English and Urdu. Learn Arabic for FREE. Learn short Arabic Expressions in English and Urdu if you wan to have a basic conversation in Arabic and English. A collection of useful phrases in Modern Standard Arabic.

Daily Spoken Arabic English Phrases in Urdu

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Arabic Sentences in Urdu and English PDF

Spoken Sentences with English Urdu

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