English to Arabic Sentences

Easy English Sentences in Arabic SET 39

Easy English sentences in Arabic. Arabic phrases with translation in English. Common English expressions.English sentences PDF.

Easy English phrases In Arabic used in Daily life. Daily used English phrases in school with translation in Arabic. Daily routine Arabic sentences. Spoken Arabic sentences with English. Common English expressions daily life Arabic sentences examples. Random English phrases in Arabic with translation in Arabic and English. Arabic sentences PDF. Arabic sentences for kids. Easy Arabic Sentences in English for the learners. Random Arabic-English phrases which we use in our daily life. Random phrases in Arabic. Learn English through Arabic phrases and Arabic through English phrases. Arabic sentences with translation in English and Roman Arabic.English Phrases with translation in Arabic.

Ideal students work hard.

یجتھد الطلبۃ المثالیون

Yajtahidu al talaba tul misaaliyyoon.

It snows in winter.

یتساقط الثلج فی الشتاء

Yatasa-qat ussalj u fil shitaa’i.

He is an idle boy.

ھو ولد عدیم النفع

Hua walad adeem ul annaf’u.

I shall make him elicit this secret.

ساظھر منہ ھذ السرۃ

Sa’azhar u minhu haza assirrat.

The road is bumpy.

الشارع غیر ممھد

Asshhari’u ghairu mumahhadin.

It is impossible to reach there.

لایمکن الوصول الی الھنا

Laa yumkinul wasool ilal hunaa.

His tale seems incredible.

قصتہ غیر عین الیقین

Qissatuhu ghair ain il yaqeen.

He is incredulous of everything.

ھو شاک فی کل شیء

Hua shaakk fee kulli shaee.

Faisalabad is industrial city.

فیصل آباد بلد صناعی

Faisalabad balad sana’ee.

The Pakistanis are very industrious.

اھل الباکستان مجتھد

Ahlul bakistan mujtahid.

Easy English sentences in Arabic. Arabic phrases with translation in English. Common English expressions.English sentences PDF.

Easy English sentences in Arabic. Arabic phrases with translation in English. Common English expressions.English sentences PDF.

Easy English sentences in Arabic. Arabic phrases with translation in English. Common English expressions.English sentences PDF.

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Arabic to English Sentences set 39

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