Arabic to Urdu Sentences

Spoken Arabic Sentences and Phrases with Meanings in Urdu and English

Spoken Arabic Sentences for Spoken English and Urdu. Arabic Phrases for English and Urdu in order to learn English,Urdu and Arabic. Arabic and English sentences with Urdu translation. Arabic sentences with translation in English and Urdu. Learn Arabic and English for FREE. Arabic Expressions with translation in English. Learn Arabic through English and Urdu.

Spoken Arabic Sentences for Spoken English and Urdu. Arabic Phrases for English and Urdu in order to learn English,Urdu and Arabic. Arabic and English sentences with Urdu translation. Arabic sentences with translation in English and Urdu. Learn Arabic and English for FREE. Arabic Expressions with translation in English. Learn Arabic through English and Urdu.

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Pardon me.

معاف کیجئے گا


Very well, thank you.

بہت خوب،آپ کا شکریہ

اَحْسَن،شُکْراً لَکَ۔

Do you understand?

کیا آپ سمجھ گئے؟

ھَل فَھِمتَ؟

Quite well, thank you.

بالکل ٹھیک، آپ کاشکریہ

طَیِّب،کَرمُکَ الصَّالِحُ

What did you say?

آپ نے کیا کہا؟

مَاذَا قُلتَ؟

I would like to say that…

میں کہنا چاہوں گا کہ۔۔۔

سَأَقُولُ أَن۔۔۔

I request you.

آپ سے میری گزارش ہے

أَلْتَمِسُ اِلَیکَ

I didn’t speak.

میں نہیں بولا

مَا تَکَلَّمتَ؟

Don’t mention it.

آپ فکر نہ کریں

لَا تَتَفَکَّر

What shall I say?

میں کیا کہوں؟

مَاذَا اَقُولُ اَنَا؟

Make yourself at home.

اپنا ہی گھر سمجھیں

کُن لَصَاحِبِ الدَّارِ

Who do you want to see?

آپ کس سے ملنا چاہتے ہیں؟

مَن تُرِیدُ أَن تَزُورَ؟

May I know your name?

کیا میں آپ کا نام جان سکتا ہوں؟

ھَل یُمکِنُ لِی اَن أَسْأَلُکَ عَن اِسْمُکَ؟

Can you speak English?

آپ کو انگریزی آتی ہے؟

ھَل تَسْتَطیعُ اَن تَتَکَلَّمَ بِالْأِنجْلِیْزِیَّۃِ؟

Here is my visiting card.

یہ میرا تعارفی کارڈ ہے۔

ھَذِہِ بِطَاقَۃ تَعرِیْفِی

Yes, I can speak English.

جی ہاں میں انگریزی بول سکتا ہں۔

نَعَمْ، أَسْتَطِیْعُ اَن اَتَکَلَّمَ بِالْأِنجْلِیْزِیَّۃِ

Glad to see you.

آپ سے مل کر خوشی ہوئی۔

لَقَد فَرِحتُ بِزِیَارَتِکَ

How long you’ve been waiting.

آپ کب سے انتطار کر رہے ہیں؟

مُنذُ مَتَی تَنْتَظِرُ؟

Who is he?

وہ کون ہے؟

مَنْ ھُوَ؟

What is he to you?

وہ آپ کا کیا لگتا ہے؟

مَاھُوَ مِنکَ؟

He is my cousin.

وہ میراماموں زاد بھائی ہے

ھُوَ اِبنُ خَالِیْ

Would you have anything?

آپ کچھ پینا پسند کریں گے؟

ھَل تَشْرَبُ شَیأً؟

Would you like a cup of tea?

آپ چائے پسند کریں گے؟

ھَل تَتَناَوَلُ الشَّأْیَ؟

Spoken Arabic Sentences for Spoken English and Urdu. Arabic Phrases for English and Urdu in order to learn English,Urdu and Arabic. Arabic and English sentences with Urdu translation. Arabic sentences with translation in English and Urdu. Learn Arabic and English for FREE. Arabic Expressions with translation in English. Learn Arabic through English and Urdu.

Spoken Arabic Sentences for Spoken English and Urdu. Arabic Phrases for English and Urdu in order to learn English,Urdu and Arabic. Arabic and English sentences with Urdu translation. Arabic sentences with translation in English and Urdu. Learn Arabic and English for FREE. Arabic Expressions with translation in English. Learn Arabic through English and Urdu.

Spoken Arabic Sentences for Spoken English and Urdu. Arabic Phrases for English and Urdu in order to learn English,Urdu and Arabic. Arabic and English sentences with Urdu translation. Arabic sentences with translation in English and Urdu. Learn Arabic and English for FREE. Arabic Expressions with translation in English. Learn Arabic through English and Urdu.

Spoken Arabic Sentences for Spoken English and Urdu. Arabic Phrases for English and Urdu in order to learn English,Urdu and Arabic. Arabic and English sentences with Urdu translation. Arabic sentences with translation in English and Urdu. Learn Arabic and English for FREE. Arabic Expressions with translation in English. Learn Arabic through English and Urdu.

Spoken Arabic Sentences for Spoken English and Urdu. Arabic Phrases for English and Urdu in order to learn English,Urdu and Arabic. Arabic and English sentences with Urdu translation. Arabic sentences with translation in English and Urdu. Learn Arabic and English for FREE. Arabic Expressions with translation in English. Learn Arabic through English and Urdu.

Spoken Arabic Sentences for Spoken English and Urdu. Arabic Phrases for English and Urdu in order to learn English,Urdu and Arabic. Arabic and English sentences with Urdu translation. Arabic sentences with translation in English and Urdu. Learn Arabic and English for FREE. Arabic Expressions with translation in English. Learn Arabic through English and Urdu.

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Spoken Arabic Sentences with meanings in Urdu and English

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