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MS Office Shortcut Keys | Word, Publisher, Access, Outlook

Here is a list of commonly used shortcut keys to MS Office that can provide an easier and quicker access. In Windows, MS Word uses the Ctrl key along with another alphabet key for shortcuts. Most useful Microsoft Office shortcut keys it's useful for all works. Shortcut keys in MS Office

Here is a list of commonly used shortcut keys to MS Office that can provide an easier and quicker access. In Windows, MS Word uses the Ctrl key along with another alphabet key for shortcuts. Most useful Microsoft Office shortcut keys it’s useful for all works. Shortcut keys in MS Office

MS Word Shortcut Keys

Here is a list of commonly used shortcut keys to MS Office that can provide an easier and quicker access. In Windows, MS Word uses the Ctrl key along with another alphabet key for shortcuts. Most useful Microsoft Office shortcut keys it's useful for all works. Shortcut keys in MS Office

CTRL+SHIFT+C Copy Formats
CTRL+SHIFT+D Double Underline text
CTRL+SHIFT+E Track changes
CTRL+SHIFT+F Change the front
CTRL+SHIFT+H Apply hidden text formatting
CTRL+SHIFT+K Format letters as small capitals
CTRL+SHIFT+L Apply the List style
CTRL+SHIFT+M Remove the paragraph indent from the left
CTRL+SHIFT+N Apply the Normal style
CTRL+SHIFT+P Change the font size
CTRL+SHIFT+Q Change the selection to the symbol font
CTRL+SHIFT+S Apply a style
CTRL+SHIFT+T Reduce a hanging indent
CTRL+SHIFT+V Paste Formats
CTRL+SHIFT+W Underline word but not spaces

Here is a list of commonly used shortcut keys to MS Office that can provide an easier and quicker access. In Windows, MS Word uses the Ctrl key along with another alphabet key for shortcuts. Most useful Microsoft Office shortcut keys it's useful for all works. Shortcut keys in MS Office

MS Excel Shortcut Keys

Here is a list of commonly used shortcut keys to MS Office that can provide an easier and quicker access. In Windows, MS Word uses the Ctrl key along with another alphabet key for shortcuts. Most useful Microsoft Office shortcut keys it's useful for all works. Shortcut keys in MS Office

CTRL+ Enter Fill the selected cells with the current entry
CTRL+ Spacebar Selects the entire column
CTRL+ Shift+ Spacebar Selects the entire worksheet
CTRL+ Home Move to cell A1
CTRL+ End Move to the last cell on the worksheet
CTRL+ Tab Move between two or more open Excel files
CTRL+ Shift+ Tab Activates the previous workbook
CTRL+ Shift+ A Inserts argument names into a formula
CTRL+ Shift+ F Opens the drop-down menu for fonts
CTRL+ Shift+ O Selects all of the cells that contain comments
CTRL+ Shift+ P Opens the drop-down menu for point size
Shift+ Insert Pastes what is stored on the clipboard
CTRL+ Shift+ F6 Moves to the previous worksheet window
CTRL+ Shift+ F12 Prints the current worksheet
Shift+ Home Highlights all text to the left of the cursor

Here is a list of commonly used shortcut keys to MS Office that can provide an easier and quicker access. In Windows, MS Word uses the Ctrl key along with another alphabet key for shortcuts. Most useful Microsoft Office shortcut keys it's useful for all works. Shortcut keys in MS Office

MS PowerPoint Shortcut Keys

Here is a list of commonly used shortcut keys to MS Office that can provide an easier and quicker access. In Windows, MS Word uses the Ctrl key along with another alphabet key for shortcuts. Most useful Microsoft Office shortcut keys it's useful for all works. Shortcut keys in MS Office

CTRL+ Shift+ G Group shape
CTRL+ Shift+ H Ungroup shape
CTRL+ Shift+ J Regroup shape
CTRL+ Alt+ Click Straight line by curve tool
CTRL+ Resize Click Resize from center
Alt+ NandP Insert picture
Alt+ NandSandH Insert shape
Alt+ GandH Select theme
Alt+ HandL Select side layout
Alt+ NandX Insert textbox
Alt+ NandJ Select object
Alt+ NandW Insert word art
CTRL+ Shift+ C Copy shape attributes
CTRL+ Shift+ V Paste shape attributes
CTRL+ C/ CTRL+ X/ CTR+ V Copy, cut and paste shapes

Here is a list of commonly used shortcut keys to MS Office that can provide an easier and quicker access. In Windows, MS Word uses the Ctrl key along with another alphabet key for shortcuts. Most useful Microsoft Office shortcut keys it's useful for all works. Shortcut keys in MS Office

MS Publisher Shortcut Keys

CTRL+ Shift+ f Accesses to the font menu
CTRL+ Shift+ P Accesses to the font size menu
CTRL+ Shift+ > Increases the font size
CTRL+ Shift+ < Decreases the font size
CTRL+ Shift+ = Subscript
CTRL+ Shift+ K Small caps
CTRL+ Spacebar Remove all style formats of the highlighted text
CTRL+ B For bold text
CTRL+U For underline
CTRL+ I For italic
CTRL+ = Superscript
CTRL+ SHIFT+ G Group selected objects
ALT+ F6 Bring object to front
ALT+ SHIFT+ F6 Send object to back

Here is a list of commonly used shortcut keys to MS Office that can provide an easier and quicker access. In Windows, MS Word uses the Ctrl key along with another alphabet key for shortcuts. Most useful Microsoft Office shortcut keys it's useful for all works. Shortcut keys in MS Office Here is a list of commonly used shortcut keys to MS Office that can provide an easier and quicker access. In Windows, MS Word uses the Ctrl key along with another alphabet key for shortcuts. Most useful Microsoft Office shortcut keys it's useful for all works. Shortcut keys in MS Office

MS Access Shortcut Keys

Here is a list of commonly used shortcut keys to MS Office that can provide an easier and quicker access. In Windows, MS Word uses the Ctrl key along with another alphabet key for shortcuts. Most useful Microsoft Office shortcut keys it's useful for all works. Shortcut keys in MS Office

Arrow Right/ CTRL+ Arrow Right Move to right
Arrow Left/ CTRL+ Arrow Left Move to left
Arrow Up/ CTRL+ Arrow Up Move to up
Arrow Down/ CTRL+ Arrow Down Move to down
Shift+ Arrow Down Increases height
Shift+ Arrow Up Decreases height
Shift+ Arrow Right Increases width
Shift+ Arrow Left Decreases width
F2 Display complete hyperlink
F7 Check spelling
Alt+ Enter Display property sheet
Alt+ F4 Exit access 16
CTRL+ F2 Invoke builder
Shift+ F2 Open the zoom box
F5 Move the record number box

Here is a list of commonly used shortcut keys to MS Office that can provide an easier and quicker access. In Windows, MS Word uses the Ctrl key along with another alphabet key for shortcuts. Most useful Microsoft Office shortcut keys it's useful for all works. Shortcut keys in MS Office

MS Outlook Shortcut Keys

Here is a list of commonly used shortcut keys to MS Office that can provide an easier and quicker access. In Windows, MS Word uses the Ctrl key along with another alphabet key for shortcuts. Most useful Microsoft Office shortcut keys it's useful for all works. Shortcut keys in MS Office

Ctrl+] or Ctrl+ Shift+ > Increase font size
Shift+ F3 Switch case(selected text)
Ctrl+ Shift+ K Format letters as small capitals
Alt+ O Display the format menu
Ctrl+ Shift+ P Display the font dialog box
Ctrl+ Shift+ L Add bullets
Ctrl+ T or Ctrl+ Shift+ T Increase Decrease indent
Ctrl+ Shift+ Z or Ctrl+ Space Clear formatting
Ctrl+ Shift+ H Delete the next word
Ctrl+ Shift+ J Stretch a paragraph to fit between the margins
Ctrl+ Shift+ S Apply styles
Ctrl+ T or Ctrl+ Shift+ T Create/reduce a hanging indent
Ctrl+ K Insert a hyperlink
Ctrl+ L or Ctrl+ R Left/Right align a paragraph
Ctrl+ Q Remove paragraph formatting

Here is a list of commonly used shortcut keys to MS Office that can provide an easier and quicker access. In Windows, MS Word uses the Ctrl key along with another alphabet key for shortcuts. Most useful Microsoft Office shortcut keys it's useful for all works. Shortcut keys in MS Office

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