English to Arabic Sentences

Random English to Arabic sentences SET 29

Random English to Arabic sentences for beginners. Arabic to English phrases for dailyuse. Daily spoken English to Arabic sentences.

Random English to Arabic sentences for the beginners. Arabic phrases in English with vocabulary. Learn English through Arabic and Arabic through English. Arabic sentences with translation in English. English to Arabic conversation for daily use. Basic Arabic sentences for spoken Arabic and English.Random English to Arabic sentences for daily spoken. Arabic to English phrases for daily use. Daily used Arabic sentences with English translation.

The boy conceded his fault.

اعترف الولد بخطاؑہ

All except Ali were present.

حضر الجمیع الاعلیا

Carpenter is an artisan.

النجار صناع

My house is opposite to the stadium.

داری امام الملعب

We have no enmity against any one.

لسنا بعدوین احدا

His brother aided him in business.

ساعد اخوہ فی عملہ

We should not work with affection.

لا ینبغی لنااؑن نکون مفتعلین

This world is no greater than an illusion.

لیست الدنیا سوی الخدعۃ

Our teacher is amiable.

اساتذتنابھی المنظر

His comments were quite apposite.

محاضرعہ مناسبۃ جدا

This incident changed his life.

غیرت ھذہ القصۃ حیاتہ

He lives in object misery.

ھو یعیش حیاتہ فی فقیر حقیر

Ali could not abstain from smoking.

مااجتنب علی عن شرب سیجارۃ

I accede to your proposal.

انا اوافق علی برنامجک۔

Excess in everything is bad.

التشدد فی ای شیء سیی۔

Random English to Arabic sentences for beginners. Arabic to English phrases for dailyuse. Daily spoken English to Arabic sentences.

Random English to Arabic sentences for beginners. Arabic to English phrases for dailyuse. Daily spoken English to Arabic sentences. Random English to Arabic sentences for beginners. Arabic to English phrases for dailyuse. Daily spoken English to Arabic sentences.
Random English to Arabic sentences for beginners. Arabic to English phrases for dailyuse. Daily spoken English to Arabic sentences.

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English to Arabic sentences set 29

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