English to Arabic Sentences

Useful English sentences in Arabic Translation – 50 Sentences

Useful English sentences in Arabic Translation - 50 Sentences

Useful Arabic sentences with English Translation for beginners. 50 Commonly used important English Sentences with Arabic meanings and translation. English-Arabic phrases that are commonly used in our daily life. Useful English sentences in Arabic are full of vocabulary and other requirements of grammar.

نَھَارُکَ سَعِیٛدٌ

(naharoka sa’edin)

Have a nice day.

اِ لٰی اللِّقَاءِ

(illal liqaie)

Good bye.

طَابَتٛ لَیٛلَتُکُمٛ

(tabat lailatokum)

Good night.

کَیٛفَ حَالُکَ؟

(kaifa Haloka)

How are you?

اَناَ بِخَیٛر

 (aana bikhair)

I am fine.

لَا مِرٛیَۃَفِی ذٰلِک
(la miryata fi zalik)
No doubt about it.
مَا الٛعَجَبُ فِی ذٰلِکَ؟
(mal e’jabo fi zalik)
What is the matter of surprise in it?
لِی وِجٛھَۃُ نَظَرٍ اُخٛریٰ
(li wijhato nazari okhra)
I have another point of view.
Karachi is a populous city.البلد الکراتشی بلدغامر

Karachi gunjaan aabaad shehar hai

He made a minor mistake.

اخطا خطابسیطا

Us ne choti se ghalti ki

Do not meddle with my affairs.

لاتتدخل فی تصرفانی

Mery maamlaat men tang mat adao

His manners are lovable.

اسلوبہ یستحق الاحترام

Us k andaaz muhabbat k qabil hen

He came later than I.

تاخر فی الاتیان بالنسب الی

Wo meri nisbat der se aya.

I cannot bear this loss.

لااستطیع انالحمل ھذہ الخسارۃ

Me ye nuqsan bardasht nhi kr skta

I wear loose clothes.

البس ثوبا مضفاضا۔

Me dheely kpray pehnta hun

Do not sit idle.

لا تجلس متعطلا عن العمل

Be-kaar matt betho

Milk is a healthful diet.

البن غذاء صحیی

Doodh sehat mand ghaza hai

Hindus worship idols.

الھنود یعبدون الاصنام

Hindu buton ki Pooja krty hen

(mal khatb)
What’s the matter?

اَیُّ خِدٛمَۃٍ؟
(aeeo khidmatin?)
Any service for me?
سِیَّانَ عِنٛدِی
(siyaana e’ndi)
It is all the same for me.
اِعٛتَمِدٛ عَلَیَّ
(e’tamid e’alaiya)
Trust me.
 (ma zanno ka)
What do you think?
ھَذَا اَمٛرٌمُسَلَّمٌ بِہِ
(haza amron mosallimon bihi)
It’s an indisputable matter.
لَیٛسَ لِھَذَا اَیُّ مَعٛنَی
(liasa lihaza aeeo m’ena)
It doesn’t make any sense.

Useful English sentences in Arabic. Daily spoken Arabic phrases in English and Hindi. Commonly used short English phrases in Arabic

Useful English sentences in Arabic. Daily spoken Arabic phrases in English and Hindi. Commonly used short English phrases in Arabic

Useful English sentences in Arabic. Daily spoken Arabic phrases in English and Hindi. Commonly used short English phrases in Arabic

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